برای مشاهده قیمت و خرید کتاب متون سیاسی به زبان خارجی 2 دکتر محسن دیانت، اردشیر نایبی انتشارات پیام نور با افشین بوک همراه باشید.
کتاب متون سیاسی به زبان خارجی 2 محسن دیانت، اردشیر نایبی (پیام نور)
Lesson One: International Relations
Lesson Two: International Systems
Lesson Three: International Political Theories 1, Realism & Idealism
Lesson Four: International Political Theories II, Neorealism
Lesson Five: Foreign Policy
Lesson Six: Foreign Policy II, Case Study: Foreign Policy of Islamic Republic of Iran
Lesson Seven: Foreign Policy III, Case Study: Foreign Policy of U.S.
Lesson Eight: Foreign Policy IIII, Case Study: Relation of Iran with USA/ Siege of US Espionage Den
Lesson Nine: Strategy (Military Strategy)
Lesson Ten: Diplomacy
Lesson Eleven: War
Lesson Twelve: World War I, First World War
Lesson Thirteen: World War II, Second World War
Lesson Fourteen: International Law
Lesson Fifteen: International Organizations (League of Nations & th United Nations)
Lesson Sixteen: Policy Making or Public Policy
Appendix/ Answer Key
اطلاعاتی درباره کتاب متون سیاسی به زبان خارجی 2 محسن دیانت، اردشیر نایبی (پیام نور)
The present book entitled English Language for Political Science students II is our work as a result of at least twenty-five years of studying and teaching. We hope it will be useful to a broad range of readers, but the prime target audience is the Payame Noor students who are new to this field of study.
The basic idea of this book comes from the fact that there is an urgent need among political science students at the university level for a book providing good and useful information on political texts, vocabulary, and exercises. The book has many certain unique characteristics, a brief explanation of which may prove helpful for more effective use of this publication.
First, English Language Il is continued by English Language I. As we told in the previous book, in language I the students were familiarized with the general concepts. It means the concepts that are related to political science are surveyed. In book II, the particular concepts or international relations will be considered.
Second, we provide a concise but comprehensive book. We include all the political sources, but the focus is on the most important texts and those people who have made the major contributions or lasting influences on the political thoughts. On the other hand, we exclude less important texts to keep the book concise.
Third, the book is written in a sequence order, and the materials are arranged in a chain form. In a better word, the concepts have been written from general to particular. Therefore, in book I, we paid
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