برای بررسی، مشاهده قیمت و خرید کتاب درآمدی بر ادبیات 1 (An Introduction to Literature 1) عباس سعیدی پور، دکتر بلقیس روشن این مطلب را دنبال نمایید. این کتاب را انتشارات پیام نور برای رشته مترجمی زبان چاپ نموده است.
کتاب درآمدی بر ادبیات 1 سعیدی پور، روشن پیام نور
An Introduction to Literature 1
برای مطالعه آسان و دریافت نتیجه بهتر در آزمون می توانید از راهنمای این کتاب استفاده نمایید.
برای اطلاعات بیشتر کلیک کنید:
راهنما و ترجمه کتاب درآمدی بر ادبیات 1 پیام نور (انتشارات پیام دانشگاهی)مشاهده و خرید

کتاب درآمدی بر ادبیات 1 پیام نور
(فهرست) contents
A Note to Instructors
Guidance and Instructions to Students
Chapter One: Introduction
Literary Forms (Genres)
Modern Classification of Literary Forms
A Little Incident Zebra Storyteller
Chapter Two: Story
The Fox and the Crow
The Ant and the Grasshopper
The Ambitious Turtle
Arabian Nights: The Thousand and One Nights
The merchant and the Genie
The Ninth Story: Day the First
The Lost Keys
Chapter Three: Setting The Limitations of Pambe Serang
Chapter Four: Plot
Once Upon A Time
Chapter Five: Character and Characterization
Miss Brill Girl
Chapter Six: Point of View
1) First-Person Point of View
2) Third-Person Point of View
2.1) The Omniscient Point of View
2.2) The Limited Point of View
Hills Like White Elephants
On The Road
Chapter Seven: Theme
The Immortals
A Clean, Well-Lighted Place
Chapter Eight: Drama
The Brute
Chapter Nine: Further Stories
A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings
The Necklace
The Answer Keys

کتاب درآمدی بر ادبیات 1 پیام نور (سعیدی پور و روشن)
برای خرید کتاب درآمدی بر ادبیات 1 (سعیدی پور، روشن) آن را به سبد خرید خود اضافه نمایید و درب منزل تحویل بگیرید.
(یادداشتی برای مدرسان) A NOTE TO INSTRUCTORS
The textbook in hand called “An Introduction to Literature (1)” is intended to be a self-study book primarily for a two-credit course of the same title. It is written and complied for the students of English Language and Literature, of English Translation, of Teaching English and other concerned branches of major courses. Nevertheless, anyone who is interested in studying Literature, particularly prose fiction, may also benefit from it. The principles, definitions and explanations presented by the authors not only follow, but also correlate and correspond, as far as possible, with the originals and the main academic and well-recognized texts of literature widely used and examined in the world’s credited universities, from Aristotle’s Poetics to Literary Anthologies, Glossaries, Criticism and textbooks by such authors like M.H. Abrams, Laurence Perrine, J.A. Cudden, Vernon Hall, and the like.
Instructors may follow their own part-arrangement of the book according to page number or parts division in order to cover the whole instructed pages within the allowed sessions. In Payame Noor University, where the frequent number of classes is reduced, instructors should arrange their teaching sessions to cover the book appropriately. They can fix the length of the book’s segments to apportioned time. This can help them have planned time and session for the whole book to be covered.
This textbook consists of nine chapters, a bibliography, the answer keys and a glossary. Save for chapter nine, which includes further stories to give students a chance to broaden their knowledge of the prose fiction and which is not among the topics of their final exam, each chapter begins with General and Behavioral Objectives. Then definitions of technical terms, mostly taken from Abrams (1979; 2009), Abrams et al. (2001) and Cudden (1979; 1999), and some explanation are provided to give the readers a refreshing and conceptual recognition of the topic. Each chapter finally enjoys some Multiple-choice Items (A) and Open-ended Questions (B) as two types of practice to check the understanding of details and main concepts on behalf of the students.
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