جهت مشاهده قیمت و خرید کتاب پرو وان (PRO 1: Promoting Reading Objectives) انتشارات خط سفید اثر فهیمه سمائی نیا و محمدحسین برزویی با ما باشید.
کتاب پرو وان (PRO 1: Promoting Reading Objectives)
این کتاب شامل 13 فصل و 136 صفحه می باشد که انتشارات خط سفید اقدام به چاپ و انتشار آن نموده است.
قسمتی از مقدمه کتاب پرو وان (PRO 1: Promoting Reading Objectives)
This book is a series of reading texts and grammatical points for pre-intermediate and intermediate university students. In fact, readings are mostly internet based and have mainly noticed the interests of the students. They have been tried to be fresh and relevant to the students’ lives. Moreover, they have been arranged based on the level of difficulty. Grammars are based on the syllabus recommended by curriculum. This book tries to state the grammars inductively and as far as possible in an easy and simple way. Many exercises have been inserted in this book to fully practice new vocabularies and grammars. In this way, students have the opportunity to be active in class and help the instructor to teach effectively. For example, in order to make this book enjoyable and fun, the “Interesting Linguistic Facts” and “Crossword Puzzles” have been added. By doing the crossword puzzle, students practice and review the new words of the reading passage once more as a last effort to internalize them.
The main goal of this book is to make students activate their background knowledge, comprehend the texts, and learn vocabulary and grammar inside the class by the help of the instructor.
New pedagogical design, photos, and illustrations aid students’ comprehension and case navigation through the text. The last but not the least purpose is to learn the texts based on reading methodologies and use different Reading Skills added in the “Before You Read” part.
The authors of the book hope that they can offer a comprehensible and useful university book for those who want to learn and internalize what they have learned, and solely intend to learn and enjoy more. This is possible if we pave the way for our dear students.
Any possible defect of the work is our own responsibility and makes us happy if the dear colleagues and other readers and also students inform us of their valuable suggestions. To the Instructor:
This book is a series of reading texts and grammatical points for pre-intermediate and intermediate university students learning English as a second or foreign language. It also teaches the reading skills of comprehension finding the main idea, and using the context to understand vocabulary items.
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